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Uncanny Convenience Store 2 - Korean version

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Uncanny Convenience Store 2 - Korean version


"The Uncanny Convenience Store," which captivated 700,000 readers, has reopened with a second story full of immersive storytelling and intriguing characters. People going through difficult times once again gather at the convenience store. Kim Ho-yeon's novel has been loved by readers for more than a year since its publication and remained at the top of the bestseller list. "Inconvenient Convenience Store 2" continues the witty and profound gaze of the previous part and entices readers with a more captivating story.

The novel opens with a convenience store on a summer day, a year and a half after the events of the first episode. In the meantime, the world has changed, and so has the ALWAYS convenience store in Cheongpa-dong in many ways. The description of having to wear a mask even in the suffocating heat hints that the novel is set in a reality where COVID-19 exists. Seon-sook, frustrated over her feud with her son, becomes the store manager, and Min-sik, the troublemaker son of Mrs. Yeom, who begged to sell her convenience store, becomes the president. However, Min-sik is not interested in management or profits, only in reducing expenses such as weekly allowances. Meanwhile, as Mr. Kwak, who was in charge of the night shift after Dok-go, quits, a new night shift employee arrives, and the convenience store faces another change.

The new part-time worker is a man in his 40s whose size and burdensome behavior remind others of someone. He boasts about his splendid part-time job but is clumsy at his convenience store job. He is also talkative and often criticized by the store manager, Seon-sook. He wears a name tag with the nickname Hong Geum-bo instead of Hwang Geun-bae and welcomes customers at a leisurely pace during the night shift."


Manager Seon-Sook Oh
soul snack
kkondae of kkondae
two plus one
convenience store at night
Owner Alba
inconvenient convenience store


Into the book

“I came because you said you were looking for a night job.”
In an instant, the corner of his mouth twitched automatically. It was fortunate that the mask hid much of the expression. Seon-sook quickly scanned her man.
Her big eyes and drooping eyebrows reminded her of a herbivore somewhere, and her long, mustard-colored or poop-colored T-shirt and her messy curly hair gave her an overall sloppy look.
She said, “Why are you buying toilet paper when you say you came to apply for a part-time job?”
“Well, my mother said that if you go to a store you know, she must sell it. I just ran out of toilet paper at home. Ahaha.”
what? What is this excessive courtesy? She wasn't without a burden, but she was somewhat relieved by her friendly smile. Above all, it was a night part-time job resource. Rather than being strict, it was something to pick out and see. (pp. 36-37)

I never paid attention to who was at the convenience store counter. At a convenience store, isn't it an unspoken national rule that both employees and customers silently and quickly pay bills and receive goods? What if I suddenly talk to you! That's also Mr. Black's latte! Besides, it's tuna!!
So-jin feels bad because she thinks her taste in alcohol and snacks, which she loves, has been discovered. Who would feel good if an anonymous person discovered their taste? It's really stellar. It wasn't like this before here, but has the owner changed? How could you hire such an ignorant employee? Or is that person the manager? Then I thought I would know why this store was out of business. (pp. 51-52)

Even if business doesn't work, even if the world is a mess due to Corona, this guy writes 'Hong Geum-bo' on his name tag and just smiles. What an enviable talent. In a word, it is a mental gold spoon. It is clear that he is over 40 years old, but he is so relaxed when he works at a convenience store at night.
“Hey, Hong Geum-bo. What is your true identity?”
After paying the bill, I asked the guy who handed me the card.
"Me? Convenience store night job.”
“No, isn’t this your original job? what did you originally do? what do you do during the day Where is your house? Why did you write red and gold on your name tag?”
"hmm… … From the beginning, I lived part-time. In the past, I did a bit of nogada. Catch it during the day. If you work at night, you have to sleep for a long time because the quality of sleep during the day is poor. I live in Namchang-dong, above Namdaemun Market... … What else did you ask? Ah, Hong Geum-bo is a nickname since childhood. My real name is Keun-bae. Geunbae Hwang. Ahaha.” (pp. 96-97)

"student. This is a discarded sandwich 17 minutes old. Would you like to eat?”
A man in a uniform vest that was so tight on his body that the buttons were about to burst at any moment held out a pork cutlet sandwich to Mingyu. For a moment, Mingyu's clown inevitably shook. Between his favorite pork cutlet sandwich and his mother's advice not to eat anything others gave him, Mingyu had to think quickly.
“This is delicious. I really like it too.”
Mingyu's vigilance grew at the man's words.
“But why are you giving this to me?”
“Um, that… … It's because I also have a tonkatsu lunch box that was 17 minutes old. Ahaha.”
"ah… … .” (Page 133)

I came down the hill in Cheongpa-dong and passed a small three-way intersection with an ALWAYS convenience store. He reached the main road and walked down the back road to Seoul Station. Following the shade provided by the ginkgo tree, exhaling through the mask, I passed the Galwol-dong street and took the escalator up to Seoul Station. After passing through Seoul Station while cooling off with the air conditioner, Mingyu took the escalator down to the underpass and found Exit 11 of Seoul Station. It wasn't easy for him, but he found his way through the crowds and took exit 11, where he found a path leading up towards Namsan. Damn, it's uphill. Mingyu climbed the uphill like an adventurer marching toward a remote area. He was short of breath in the sweltering weather even though it was still morning, but he couldn't give up the library with many books, canteens and air conditioning. (page 157)

A convenience store on a summer night without customers is like a refrigerator. Like a refrigerator that works non-stop in the silence of the night, convenience stores operate without stopping for twenty-four hours. Just as refrigerators have compressors to create cold air, convenience stores have clerks to generate profits. And just like a compressor makes sounds like uh, wing, and weeng, Keunbae also made sounds from time to time. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Geun-bae made noises when displaying things, stretching to chase sleep, and reading books in his free time. As if to confirm that he was alive, as if to let him know that he was trapped in the refrigerator, Geun-bae spoke to himself. Then, as if a customer would come in and prove the clerk's reason for being awake tonight. (Page 163)

Compare cancer, worry poison.
It was something her mother always said to Geun-bae.
"son. Comparison is cancer, worry is poison. Living in a difficult world, think only of me now and live.” (page 186)

When the corona era began, I started a part-time job and met various people while doing a lot of work. People struggled as if the mask was blocking their breath. Jobs were scarce or precarious, dirty or dangerous. Someone rich would have been able to focus on their work in their own time and space by wearing a good mask and keeping distance, but for the urban poor like Geun-bae, the corona era was no different from an exhibition system. I had to worry about survival, and after being infected, I was evacuated like an injured soldier, and it was impossible to recover. (page 203)

Seafood lunch box.
Minshik let out a mocking laugh. Once, when business was going well, I really only ate delicacies. I became a regular at a restaurant where political and business figures go, visited restaurants with seasonal cuisine, and enjoyed a dinner course at a hotel. But now, the red ones are side dishes and the white ones are rice. Even the name of the lunch box seemed to make fun of him. (Page 216)

There were countless questions and the voice of my heart to put in those questions, but I was silent. I don't know if it's for his son or for myself. It was clear, though, that we were both going through hard times. For a year and a quarter of the time, I was becoming more alone than alone here. It wasn't just because of the non-face-to-face days. It was necessary days immediately, but I had to soak my whole body in the time that contained certain ingredients that were lacking because I couldn't take care of it. (pp. 248-249)

Publisher book review

Welcome back.
This is ALWAYS convenience store in Cheongpa-dong.

Summer, a year and a half after Dokgo left,
A new nighttime part-time job comes to the ALWAYS convenience store in Cheongpa-dong.
This man, who reminds us of someone with his large size and burdensome behavior,
Despite the scoldings from store manager Seon-sook and the pressure from president Min-shik,
I spend a leisurely night at the convenience store...

A place where hearts stay, stories come and go, and tears and laughter burst
The deeper story of the convenience store that I keep wanting to go to despite being inconvenient begins!

Where is the man who recovered her memory while guarding the dawn here 1 year and 6 months ago? She said that she spent the cold winter here warmly, but where is she staying in this tropical summer? I heard that this refrigerator-like convenience store, which was not cool enough, was a warm stove-like space in the winter when he was there... … Was it really so?
Geun-bae projected Dok-go’s image all over the convenience store. It wasn't easy, but that was his job.
_in the text

A more immersive story and a character full of questions
People going through difficult times gather at the convenience store again!

Welcome back
This is ALWAYS convenience store in Cheongpa-dong.

A novel that has been loved by readers for more than a year after its publication and has been at the top of the bestseller list, Kim Ho-yeon's "Inconvenient Convenience Store" came back with the second story. 『Inconvenient Convenience Store』, which warmly and pleasantly depicts the lives of our neighbors living in difficult times, set in a small convenience store in Cheongpa-dong alley, recorded a record of 700,000 copies sold and number one overall bestseller counted by Kyobo Bookstore, Youngpoong Bookstore, and Yes24 in the first half of 2022. has built In 2021, it was selected as Yes24's 'Book of the Year', and in 2022, it was selected one after another as 'Book of the Year' selected by citizens from 25 local governments across the country.
The story of the first episode, which starts with Dokgo, a homeless man at Seoul Station, working at a convenience store at night, gave a calm impression with unpredictable laughter and warmth. 『Inconvenient Convenience Store 2』 continues the wit and deep gaze of the previous part and attracts readers with a more compelling story. The novel begins by sketching a convenience store on a summer day, a year and a half after the time of the first episode. In the meantime, the world has changed and the ALWAYS convenience store in Cheongpa-dong has also changed in many ways. The introductory description of having to wear a mask even in the suffocating heat makes us guess that corona exists in reality in the novel. Seon-sook, who was frustrated by the discord with her son, became the manager, and Mrs. Yeom's troublemaker son Min-sik, who begged to sell her convenience store, became the president. Speaking of the president, Min-sik is not interested in management, talking about profits, and only focusing on reducing expenses such as weekly allowances. … . Meanwhile, as Mr. Kwak, who was in charge of the night shift as Dok-go's successor, quits and a new night shift job comes in, the convenience store faces a change once again.
The new part-time job is a man in his 40s whose big size and burdensome behavior reminds him of someone. He boasts a splendid part-time job as if he were a human part-timer, but his convenience store job is clumsy. Besides, he is a talkative person and can't stop talking, so he often takes criticism from the store manager, Seon-sook. Either that or not, he wears a name tag with the nickname Hong Geum-bo written on his chest instead of Hwang Geun-bae, and goes out to the convenience store at night, welcoming customers at a leisurely pace.

A place where hearts gather, stories pile up, and tears and laughter burst
The deeper story of the convenience store that I keep wanting to go to despite being inconvenient begins!

Keun-bae approaches customers and colleagues who visit the convenience store with amazing affinity and listens to their stories. Colleague So-jin, a job seeker who thinks of herself as a hodgepodge who almost got hit by a notorious black company after failing to get a job, and the president of a nearby butcher restaurant, Choi, who is terrified of drinking alone at an outdoor table at a convenience store every night because business is not working due to corona distancing. Mingyu, a high school student who spends more time at home due to classes, is hurt by the poor family environment and frequent quarrels between his mother and father. Geun-Bae's interest in them is sometimes regarded as 'Latte', 'Ojilap', and 'Nasty conceit', but 'Sincereness with goodwill' is eventually conveyed to the other person. He even moves the heart of president Min-sik, who is full of bluff and bravado.
When Geun-bae hands a light brown drink to So-jin, who is crying out of upset, and asks for a toast with a drink that looks like beer next to President Choi, who is drinking alone, Min-gyu, who visits the convenience store to avoid the heat and the house every day, is given a product that has just passed its expiration date as a snack. When divided into , Dokgo overlaps without fail in the mind of the reader. In fact, Geun-bae often thinks of Dok-go in the quiet dawn.

Where is the man who recovered his memory 1 year and 6 months ago while watching the dawn here? He said that he spent the cold winter here warmly, but where is he staying in this tropical summer? I heard that this refrigerator-like convenience store, which was not cool enough, was a warm stove-like space in the winter when he was there... … Was it really so? Geun-bae projected Dok-go’s image all over the convenience store. It wasn't easy, but that was his job. (Page 164)

Published Date: 2022 08 10

320 Pages |  135*200*30 mm


Women’s Size Chart (Clothes)

Use this chart to check what a Size 10 Women or a Size 8 Women corresponds to.

General Size US Size Chest in Inches Waist in Inches Hips
XS 0 32 24 34.5
XS 2 33 25 35.5
S 4 34 26 36.5
S 6 35 27 37.5
M 8 36 28 38.5
M 10 37 29 39.5
L 12 38.5 30. 5 41
L 14 40 32 42.5
XL 16 41.5 33.5 44
XL 18 43 35 45.5

The most commonly used international sizes for women are small, medium, and large, although aside from the standard sizes, there are also females that runs on plus size or petite, which may have similar sizes just like in the children size. Some clothes are labeled depending on the body type – curvy, lean or tall, while some sizes are based on female body shape – straight body type, pear-type, spoon-type, oval body type, inverted-triangle type or hourglass.

Women’s Plus Sizes (Clothes)

General Size US Size Chest in Inches Waist in Inches Hips in Inches
0X 12W 40 33 42
1X 14W 42 35 44
1X 16W 44 37 46
2X 18W 46 39 48
2X 20W 48 41 50
3X 22W 50 43 52
3X 24W 52 45 54
4X 26W 54 47 56
4X 28W 56 49 58
5X 30W 58 51 60
5X 32W 60 53 62

Women’s Petites Sizes (Clothes)

General Size US Size Chest in Inches Waist in Inches Hips in Inches
XS 2P 32 23. 5 34
S 4P 33 24. 5 35
S 6P 34 25. 5 36
M 8P 35 26.5 37
M 10P 36 27.5 38
L 12P 37.5 29 39.5
L 14P 39 30.5 41

Women’s Size Chart Conversion

International size US size UK size German size French size Italian size
XS 0 4 30 32 36
XS 2 6 32 34 38
XS 4 8 34 36 40
S 6 10 36 38 42
S 8 12 38 40 44
M 10 14 40 42 46
M 12 16 42 44 48
L 14 18 44 46 50
L 16 20 46 48 52
XL 18 22 48 50 54
XL 20 24 50 52 56
XXL 22 26 52 54 58
XXL 24 28 54 56 60

Measuring Your Body

Find our detailed how to measure inseam and how to measure waist size here.

  • Waist: Place the tape measure around the narrowest part of your waist, usually around your belly button or a little above it, and measure the waist circumference in inches or centimeters.
  • First Hip/Low Waist: Locate the point between your hip and your waist and place the tape measure around it.
  • Hips/Second Hip: Following the guide for chest measurement, make sure the tape measure is wrapped around the widest area of your hip. No need to add room for movement if you are trying to buy stretchable jeans with a close or slim fit.
  • Chest: Stand straight, with arms relaxed on your side, ask any adult at home to help you wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of your chest area. Allow a little room for movement, maximum of 1 inch. If you are buying a jacket, use this measurement and add a few inches depending on how loose you want the jacket to fit you.
  • Height: Measure from your head to toe without any footwear on. You can use a door frame as a measuring point, stand up straight against it and make sure to properly mark the highest point of your head.
  • Arm length: Measure your arm length from the shoulder to the hand wrist. Don’t forget to stretch your arm.

That looks easy, doesn’t it? But that’s only the beginning. Women’s sizes are far more diverse than that for men and children. Those whose measurements are not included in a typical standard guide will need to wear apparel that fit better in sections labeled as petite, curvy, and tall, depending on their body type. There are also plus sizes and maternity sizes, and as if that’s not enough, there is also “vanity sizing”, which can really confuse consumers.

Women’s Pants Size Charts

Use our Women’s pants size chart to find your American or European pants size. How do you read this chart? Actually, it’s quite easy: Measure your waist and hips in inch or centimeters. Then choose the according row in the table. In this way, it’s really simple to find your European pant sizes or convert from EU size to US size.

For example: If you have a 32 inch waist, your size is a US-Size M or Euro-Size 42.

Waist (Inch) Hips (Inch) US Size / Internat. Euro Size Waist (CM) Hips (CM)
24 - 25 33 - 34 XXS 32 61 - 63 84 - 87
25 - 26 35 - 36 XS 34 64 - 66 88 - 91
27 - 28 37 - 38 S 36 67 - 70 92 - 95
28 - 29 38 - 39 S 38 71 - 74 96 - 98
29 - 30 39 - 40 M 40 75 - 78 99 - 101
31 - 32 40 - 41 M 42 79 - 82 102 - 104
33 - 34 41 - 42 L 44 83 - 87 105 - 108
35 - 37 43 - 44 L 46 88 - 93 109 - 112
38 - 39 44 - 45 XL 48 94 - 99 113 - 116
40 - 41 46 - 48 XL 50 100 - 106 117 - 121
42 - 43 48 - 50 XXL 52 107 - 112 122 - 126
44 - 46 50 - 52 XXL 54 113 - 119 127 - 132
47 - 49 53 - 54 3XL 56 120 - 126 133 - 138
50 - 52 55 - 57 3XL 58 127 - 133 139 - 144
53 - 55 57 - 59 4XL 60 134 - 140 145 - 150
56 - 58 60 - 61 4XL 62 141 - 147 151 - 156

How to measure pants size?

Women’s Pant size Conversion Chart

With our Women’s Pant Size Conversion Chart, you can easily convert your US size into various international pant sizes.

US / Internat. Size UK Size Euro Size French Size Italian Size
3XS 2 28 30 34
XXS 4 30 32 36
XS 6 32 34 38
S 8 34 36 40
M 10 36 38 42
L 12 38 40 44
XL 14 40 42 46
XXL 16 42 44 48
3XL 18 44 46 50
4XL 20 46 48 52
5XL 22 48 50 54
6XL 24 50 52 56
7XL 26 52 54 58
8XL 28 54 56 60

How to measure your pants size?

Women’s Jeans Size Chart

If you ask yourself what size is a 30-inch waist in women’s jeans, then use this chart to find out that it corresponds to a US Size 12 or EU 40.

Waist (Inch) US Jeans Size Euro Waist (CM)
24 0 32 61
24.5 2 32 63
25.5 4 34 65
26.5 6 34 67
27.5 8 36 70
28.5 10 38 73
30.5 12 40 77
31.5 14 42 80
33 16 42 84
34 18 44 86

Find out more about women’s jeans sizes and how to measure to find the perfect fit.

Other Apparel Sizes

Women’s Shirt and Sweater Sizes

US / Internat. Size UK Size Euro Size French Size Italian Size
XS 6 32 34 38
XS 8 34 36 40
S 10 36 38 42
S 11 37 39 43
M 12 38 40 44
M 13 39 41 45
L 14 40 42 46
L 15 41 43 47
XL 16 42 44 48
XL 17 43 45 49
XXL 18 44 46 50
XXL 19 45 47 51
3XL 20 46 48 52
3XL 21 47 49 53
4XL 22 48 50 54
4XL 23 49 51 55

Women’s Jackets Sizes

Chest width (inch) Hip width (inch) US size European clothing size Chest width (cm) Hip width (cm)
29 - 30 33 - 34 XXS 32 74 - 77 84 - 87
31 - 32 35 - 36 XS 34 78 - 81 88 - 91
32 - 33 36 - 37 S 36 82 - 85 92 - 95
33 - 34 37 - 38 M 38 86 - 89 96 - 98
34 - 36 39 - 40 L 40 90 - 93 99 - 101
37 - 38 40 - 41 L 42 94 - 97 102 - 104
38 - 39 41 - 42 XL 44 98 - 102 105 - 108
40 - 41 43 - 44 XL 46 103 - 107 109 - 112
42 - 43 45 - 46 XXL 48 108 - 113 113 - 116
44 - 46 47 - 48 XXL 50 114 - 119 117 - 121
47 - 48 48 - 49 3XL 52 120 - 125 122 - 126
49 - 50 50 - 51 3XL 54 126 - 131 127 - 132
50 - 52 52 - 53 4XL 56 132 - 137 133 - 138
53 - 54 54 - 55 4XL 58 138 - 143 139 - 144
55 - 57 56 - 58 5XL 60 144 - 149 145 - 150
58 - 60 59 - 60 5XL 62 150 - 155 151 - 156

This is how you measure to find the perfectly fitting jacket.

Bra Size Chart

Finding the right bra size is another complicated matter for women’s clothing, but thanks to more modern brands, bra sizes today can cover more diverse measurements as for how it should be. To find your body size (the number on a bra size) and cup size (the letter/s on a bra size), follow this guide.

Panties Size Chart

Some brands use different panty sizes, as outlined in the table below.

Waist in Inches Hips in Inches US Panty US Dress US Alpha
21-22 27-29 2 0 XXS
23-24 30-32 3 0-2 XS
25-26 33-35 4 4-6 S
27-28 36-38 5 8-10 M
29-31 39-41 6 12-14 L
32-34 42-44 7 16-18 XL
35-37 45-47 8 20-22 XXL
38-41 48-50 9 24-26 3XL
42-44 51-53 10 28-30 4XL
45-47 54-56 11 32-34 5XL

Women’s Accessories Sizes

Ring Sizes

Rings are one of the most interesting accessories, a woman can wear. To measure your ring size, use a thread or a dental floss, wrap it around the base of the finger that will wear the ring, mark your measurement with a pen or marker, and put it against a ruler to see how it measures in millimeters(mm), which will be the inside circumference. The inside diameter will be the top to bottom measurement of a ring that already fits you. Use this converter to get your ring size.

Belt Sizes

Find our belt sizing guide here.

Maternity Sizes

Although a woman’s belly increases throughout the pregnancy, maternity sizes go by a woman’s non-pregnant size, with expandable waists and loose tops to make room for the growing size.

XS Bust in Inches Under Bust in Inches Hip in Iches Thigh
S 85 - 90 70 - 75 90 - 95 54 - 57
M 91 - 96 76 - 81 96 - 101 58 - 61
L 97 - 102 82 - 87 102 - 107 62 - 65
XL 103 - 108 88 - 93 108 - 113 66 -69
2XL 109 - 114 94 - 99 114 - 119 70 - 73
3XL 115 - 120 100 - 105 120 - 125 74 - 77
clothing for women placed on a wooden floor

What is Vanity Sizing?

Technically referred to as a size inflation, vanity sizes are a common trend in fashion where a size number increases its corresponding measurement, often in an attempt to make buyers feel skinnier than what they would normally be. If anything, this also shows how clothing sizes have changed through the years. To avoid being confused by this trend, keep in mind the following tips, especially if you are buying online:

  • Always check the online store’s size guide
  • Read product reviews, comments, and ratings
  • Make sure to read all product information and details
  • Talk to the seller if possible

Are there clothing sizes based on height and weight?

As you would have guessed by now, this would be impossible because of the high diversity of women’s sizes when it comes to dimensions. To put it simply, a specific weight can come in different heights and body types, making it complicated, and even if you manage to match a height and weight, the body measurements can be entirely different from one person to another. If you want to ensure proper fit, always go by your specific body measurements.

Can we really rely on clothing sizes?

Doesn’t that outfit look perfect on the mannequin? But wait, you try it on yourself, and you only get disappointed! Any woman can definitely relate to this shopping experience. Now imagine shopping online, where the challenge in finding that perfect fit is doubled since one can only rely on photos and online information before deciding on a purchase. Another factor to consider is that online shops vary in sizes depending on their location, with many stores even using their own measurements that go beyond the usual “Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large” sizes, which is why consumers must be very careful when it comes to buying clothes.

Those on the extreme sides of the standard measurements will often find themselves questioning possibly every guide available out there. Published sizes can be really confusing, especially if you are looking at a size guide that you are not familiar with, so it will always help to keep your updated sizes handy and compare it against the chart you are looking at. Keep in mind that you should also adjust your body measurements depending on the type of fit you want. While we may all have an idea how clothing sizes are determined, it will still pay to be extra meticulous if you want to reduce or eliminate the chances of having to return that item you purchased online.

Dressing for Your Body Type

  • Tall – if you stand 5’8” or above, you are most likely to find a good fit in the “Tall Section” especially if you are buying bottoms like jeans, trousers, and skirts.
  • Petite – for heights 5’3” and below, the “Petite Section” is a good place to shop from whether you are buying dresses or tops and bottoms.
  • Curvy – the “Curvy Section” ideally caters to women whose waist measurements are at least 7 inches smaller than their chest measurements, and hip measurement that are 10 inches greater than their waistline.
  • Plus Size – this term may vary per country, but in general, this refers to those above the sizes 10 and XL, although some brands often use the term “curvy” as well to avoid sounding offensive. Not all brands carry plus sizes, so if you fall on the larger size of the chart, keep an eye on brands that offer plus sizes.

To help you find that perfect fit whether buying online or not, you can refer to the guides below, created for each clothing type, just convert as needed from the standard table above. For dresses, sweaters, and suits, you can use the table above as well.

Tips to find the right clothing size

Tip 1: Measurements
It is best to take the trouble to measure your body measurements with a tape measure. It is decisive: Chest, waist and hips including buttocks. The neck circumference is still interesting for men. Write down your values and put the note in your wallet for your next purchase. Most sellers should be able to do this and advise you accordingly.

Tip 2: Manufacturer tables
When shopping online, it turned out that many manufacturers and brands have their own measurements. The corresponding tables are often offered in the online shops to click on. Use them to make sure! If you are shopping in a store of the same brand, printing this table can be helpful.

Tip 3: Read ratings
Also, often useful: the comments and ratings of other online shoppers on a garment. Many people state in their ratings whether the garment has fitted as expected, or whether they recommend a number smaller or larger to others. You can also often find references to quality and material in the evaluations.

Tip 4: Your figure type
In addition to body dimensions, the figure type is also relevant: Some have narrow shoulders, others have a slender waist and the next one has a wider pelvis. Look out for brands or cuts that cater to your figure type.

Figure types

Figure type H: Upper and lower body are the same width or narrow, barely waist
With this type of figure, you should take care to emphasize your femininity and create unavailable curves visually through clothing. For example, with highly waisted, flared skirts or waist belt. Statement chains and generally jewelry can also help.

Figure type V: Wider shoulders, the body becomes narrower towards the bottom
In the case of sporty shoulders, one should take a back seat and emphasize the slender legs and cuffs. Uni-colored tops with V-neck create a good balance. Trousers and skirts may gladly stand in the focus and show off with colors and patterns.

Figure type X: Shoulders and hips are equally wide, narrow waist
The most feminine of all figure types should skillfully stage his curves. For example, with narrow pencil skirts, high waistbands and waisted tops. However, the clothes should definitely fit well to achieve the wow effect.

Figure type O: The center of the body is slightly wider than the rest
If you are rather roundish and would like to conceal this, it is best to wear long blazers or longer cardigans, combined with slender trousers and skirts. A V-neck is more flattering than a round neck. Basically it should be a bit purer, rather wear darker colors on the stomach and tan trousers. Patterns and colors rather “outside” than jacket or cloth. Even long chains are good for stretching.

Figure type A: Top narrow, wider hips
A clever choice of clothes can make this type of figure look more balanced: The slender upper body and shoulders can be accentuated by eye-catching tops, colors or patterns, shoulder flaps or shawls, while the legs and hips can be set to more subdued colors. Straight trousers and skirt cuts stretch optically.

Pro Tip: For quick conversions, always keep updated measurements as close to your body as possible without any clothes in the way. Keep this information handy by saving it on your phone or securing it inside your wallet.

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