Is it good to apply a lot of cosmetics? Be aware of bad compatibility

If you believe that using various cosmetics will be good for your skin, it can have the opposite effect. It is important to find out which cosmetics are good or bad to use together.
Exfoliating products and Moisturizing products: It is recommended to use exfoliating products with moisturizing products. When you use an exfoliating product, the dead skin cells that were not exfoliated in time will fall off. The problem is that if you use an exfoliating product repeatedly, your skin may become irritated and burn. To prevent this, apply a moisturizing cream after exfoliating. If even the moisturizing cream feels itchy, your skin is sensitive, so it is helpful to apply a moisturizer for atopic dermatitis that has both moisturizing and sealing ingredients to maintain moisture. It is especially good to use both products together on dry skin.
Pore products and Anti-aging products: Pore products are less oily as they tighten pores by reducing excessive sebum secretion. They also contain various ingredients to reduce the oiliness of the skin. However, anti-aging products manage wrinkles and elasticity, so they are usually oily and have high moisturizing power. If you use these two products together, both functions will not work properly. However, if you have combination skin, you can use pore products for the shiny T-zone (forehead, nose) with large pores, and anti-aging products for the dry U-zone (near the cheeks and chin), and around the eyes and lips.
Retinol products and Vitamin C products: Retinol prevents wrinkles, and vitamin C is effective for whitening, but they repel each other, so it is not recommended to use them together. Retinol is fat-soluble and vitamin C is water-soluble, so if you use both products together, the water-soluble product will not be absorbed properly. There are also fat-soluble vitamin C products, but both retinol and vitamin C are ingredients that can cause skin irritation, which can result in irritation and burning of the skin. If you have sensitive skin, it is better not to use both products together.