Gisundo기순도 Korean Food Master No. 35 strawberry red pepper paste 230g
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Product Overview
[여행스케치=담양] 미슐랭 3스타를 받은 뉴욕 르 베르나댕의 셰프 에릭 리퍼트와 세계에서 가장 예약하기 어려운 레스토랑 노마의 셰프 르네 레드제피는 한 명인의 장맛에 감탄했다. 특별한 ‘소스’를 연구하는 유명 셰프와 전문가들 또한 한국에 방문하면 꼭 찾는다는 전남 담양군 창평면의 작은 마을. 기순도 대한민국 전통식품 명인은 이곳에서 48년째 우리의 전통 ‘장(醬)’을 담그고 있다.
‘명인’이라는 칭호는 결코 쉽게 주어지는 것이 아니다. 20년 이상 한 분야의 식품에 정진했거나 전통방식을 원형 그대로 보존하고 실현할 수 있는 자, 혹은 명인으로부터 보유기능에 대한 전수 교육을 5년 이상 받고 10년 이상 업계에 종사한 이들 중 농림축산식품부가 시ㆍ도지사의 추천을 받아 심의를 거쳐 지정한다. 기 명인은 2008년 ‘진장(5년 이상 숙성시킨 간장)’으로 제35호 대한민국 전통식품 명인으로 지정됐다.
오직 콩과 죽염, 물만으로 담근 장의 맛
“전통 장이라고 하면 많은 분들이 국간장 등 짠맛이 강한 간장을 떠올리고는 합니다. 그렇지만 왜간장(일본식으로 만든 개량 간장)은 단맛이 강하고, 소금은 쓴맛이 나는 반면 직접 메주를 쒀서 담근 간장은 깊은 감칠맛이 나지요.”
전남 담양 장흥고씨 양진재 문중의 10대 종부인 기 명인은 1972년 결혼 후 시어머니로부터 장맛을 전수받기 시작했다. 그때만 해도 정월이면 어느 가정에서나 장 담그는 풍경이 펼쳐졌고, 긴 시간 장을 만든 이들은 냄새만으로도 그 집 장맛을 가늠했다.
“가을에 햇콩이 나죠. 음력 11월 동짓달에는 이 햇콩으로 메주를 쑵니다. 12월에는 발효를 시키고, 정월(음력 1월)에 장을 담그죠. 모든 과정은 말날(12간지가 ‘오(午)’로 끝나는 날)을 받아서 합니다. 장 만드는 것에는 연습이 없어요. 한 번 담근 장이 1년간 식탁에 오르는 음식 맛을 좌우하지요.”
오직 콩과 죽염, 물만으로 담근 장의 맛
“전통 장이라고 하면 많은 분들이 국간장 등 짠맛이 강한 간장을 떠올리고는 합니다. 그렇지만 왜간장(일본식으로 만든 개량 간장)은 단맛이 강하고, 소금은 쓴맛이 나는 반면 직접 메주를 쒀서 담근 간장은 깊은 감칠맛이 나지요.”
전남 담양 장흥고씨 양진재 문중의 10대 종부인 기 명인은 1972년 결혼 후 시어머니로부터 장맛을 전수받기 시작했다. 그때만 해도 정월이면 어느 가정에서나 장 담그는 풍경이 펼쳐졌고, 긴 시간 장을 만든 이들은 냄새만으로도 그 집 장맛을 가늠했다.
“가을에 햇콩이 나죠. 음력 11월 동짓달에는 이 햇콩으로 메주를 쑵니다. 12월에는 발효를 시키고, 정월(음력 1월)에 장을 담그죠. 모든 과정은 말날(12간지가 ‘오(午)’로 끝나는 날)을 받아서 합니다. 장 만드는 것에는 연습이 없어요. 한 번 담근 장이 1년간 식탁에 오르는 음식 맛을 좌우하지요.”
기 명인의 비법은 어느 것 하나 소홀히 하지 않는 정성뿐만이 아니다. 장을 담글 때 국내산 콩과 담양산 대나무를 구워 만든 죽염을 쓰고, 167m 깊이의 우물에서 끌어 올린 지하수를 사용한다. 단순하고 정직한 3개의 식자재로 만든 간장에는 감칠맛과 은은한 단맛이 배어난다.
명인의 손에서 탄생한 간장은 숙성 정도에 따라 청장, 중간장, 진장 3가지로 나누어진다. 숙성 기간 1년 이내의 청장은 농도가 옅어 오이냉국, 콩나물국 등 맑은 국과 나물무침에 쓰이고, 5년 미만의 중간장은 각종 조림류와 불고기, 잡채 등에 잘 어울린다. 5년 이상 숙성해 가장 진하고 감칠맛이 깊은 진장은 전복초 등 보양식을 만들 때 쓰면 좋다.
1200여 개의 항아리가 줄지어 선 명인의 장고지에서는 376년간 내려온 종가의 보물을 만날 수 있다. 바로 2017년 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 방한 당시 청와대 국빈 만찬에 올랐던 ‘씨간장’이다. 당시 세상에 빛을 본 문중의 씨간장은 외신에서 ‘미국의 역사보다 오래된 간장’이라 특필하며 화제를 모았다.
“‘간장은 묵을수록 맛이 좋다’는 말이 있어요. 예부터 종갓집은 어느 집이고 씨간장을 보관하는 항아리가 따로 있었습니다. 수백 년 전부터 대를 이어 내려온 간장으로 제사, 명절 등 특별한 날에만 조금씩 쓰지요. 덜어 쓴 만큼 매년 가장 좋은 진장을 더하는 ‘덧장’으로 맛을 유지합니다.”
기 명인이 항아리 뚜껑을 열자 깊이를 짐작하기 어려울 정도로 새까만 먹빛을 띤 간장이 보인다. 오랜 세월을 덧입은 씨간장은 향취마저 묵직하고 구수해 강렬한 인상을 남긴다.
전통과 현재, 훗날을 헤아리다
지난 1월, 문화재청은 콩을 발효시키는 과정을 통해 만들어지는 ‘장(醬) 담그기’를 국가무형문화재 제137호로 지정했다. 음식으로써의 장과 재료를 직접 준비해 메주를 만들고 발효시키는 전반적인 과정을 포괄한 개념이다. 각 가정을 중심으로 자연스레 전승되고 있는 생활관습이자 문화라는 점에서 특정 보유자나 단체는 인정하지 않는다.
“‘장’은 우리 음식의 근본인 만큼 무형문화재로 지정된 소식이 반가우면서도 한편으로는 아쉬웠습니다. 우리 전통을 이어나가는 것이 목적인 데 비해 실질적인 방안이 마련된 것은 아니니까요. 지역마다, 집집마다 내려오는 비법이 어떻게 후대에 전해질지 막연하기도 합니다. 주거 형태가 바뀌면서 손수 장을 만드시던 분도 아파트에서 담그기 어렵다는 고충을 털어놓고는 하시지요. 미래로 나아가는 과도기인 이 시기가 중요한 것 같습니다.”
출처 : 여행스케치(
Gochujang with strawberries
Introducing a different and unique strawberry red pepper paste. Strawberries were added to the spicy red pepper paste to add a subtle sweetness. Make delicious dishes with a strong sweet and spicy flavor.
- 달콤한 딸기를 넣은 색다른 고추장
- 부드럽게 매콤하고 은은하게 달달한 맛
- 조림, 구이, 볶음 등에 활용
A unique red pepper paste with sweet strawberries
Gently spicy and subtly sweet taste
Used for stewing, grilling, stir-frying, etc.
고추장토마토소스 가자미조림
재료: 손질 가자미 2마리, 방울토마토 100g, 쥬키니호박 1/4개, 쪽파 2줄
소스: 딸기고추장 1큰술, 토마토소스 150g, 물 50g
1. 가자미는 흐르는 물에 씻어 사용해주세요.
2. 쪽파는 송송 썰어 준비합니다.
3. 쥬키니호박은 먹기 좋은 크기로 썰어주세요.
4. 쥬키니호박을 끓는 물에 5분간 데쳐주세요.
5. 팬에 소스 재료, 방울토마토를 넣고 끓여주세요.
6. 소스가 끓으면 가자미를 넣고 졸여주세요.
7. 소스가 2~3큰술 정도 남으면 불을 끕니다.
8. 쪽파를 뿌려 마무리해주세요.
Stewed flounder with red pepper paste and tomato sauce
Ingredients: 2 cleaned flounder, 100g cherry tomatoes, 1/4 zucchini, 2 strings of chives
Sauce: 1 tablespoon strawberry red pepper paste, 150g tomato sauce, 50g water
1. Wash flounder under running water before use.
2. Prepare the chives by chopping them into small pieces.
3. Cut the zucchini into bite-size pieces.
4. Blanch the zucchini in boiling water for 5 minutes.
5. Add sauce ingredients and cherry tomatoes to the pan and boil.
6. When the sauce boils, add the flounder and simmer.
7. When about 2 to 3 tablespoons of sauce remain, turn off the heat.
8. Finish by sprinkling chives.뚜껑이 달린 파우치에 담았습니다. 별도의 수저 없이도 원하는 양을 짜서 덜어낼 수 있어 간편합니다.
Packaged in a pouch with a lid. It is easy to squeeze out the desired amount without a separate spoon.
Women’s Size Chart (Clothes)
Use this chart to check what a Size 10 Women or a Size 8 Women corresponds to.
General Size | US Size | Chest in Inches | Waist in Inches | Hips |
XS | 0 | 32 | 24 | 34.5 |
XS | 2 | 33 | 25 | 35.5 |
S | 4 | 34 | 26 | 36.5 |
S | 6 | 35 | 27 | 37.5 |
M | 8 | 36 | 28 | 38.5 |
M | 10 | 37 | 29 | 39.5 |
L | 12 | 38.5 | 30. 5 | 41 |
L | 14 | 40 | 32 | 42.5 |
XL | 16 | 41.5 | 33.5 | 44 |
XL | 18 | 43 | 35 | 45.5 |
The most commonly used international sizes for women are small, medium, and large, although aside from the standard sizes, there are also females that runs on plus size or petite, which may have similar sizes just like in the children size. Some clothes are labeled depending on the body type – curvy, lean or tall, while some sizes are based on female body shape – straight body type, pear-type, spoon-type, oval body type, inverted-triangle type or hourglass.
Women’s Plus Sizes (Clothes)
General Size | US Size | Chest in Inches | Waist in Inches | Hips in Inches |
0X | 12W | 40 | 33 | 42 |
1X | 14W | 42 | 35 | 44 |
1X | 16W | 44 | 37 | 46 |
2X | 18W | 46 | 39 | 48 |
2X | 20W | 48 | 41 | 50 |
3X | 22W | 50 | 43 | 52 |
3X | 24W | 52 | 45 | 54 |
4X | 26W | 54 | 47 | 56 |
4X | 28W | 56 | 49 | 58 |
5X | 30W | 58 | 51 | 60 |
5X | 32W | 60 | 53 | 62 |
Women’s Petites Sizes (Clothes)
General Size | US Size | Chest in Inches | Waist in Inches | Hips in Inches |
XS | 2P | 32 | 23. 5 | 34 |
S | 4P | 33 | 24. 5 | 35 |
S | 6P | 34 | 25. 5 | 36 |
M | 8P | 35 | 26.5 | 37 |
M | 10P | 36 | 27.5 | 38 |
L | 12P | 37.5 | 29 | 39.5 |
L | 14P | 39 | 30.5 | 41 |
Women’s Size Chart Conversion
International size | US size | UK size | German size | French size | Italian size |
XS | 0 | 4 | 30 | 32 | 36 |
XS | 2 | 6 | 32 | 34 | 38 |
XS | 4 | 8 | 34 | 36 | 40 |
S | 6 | 10 | 36 | 38 | 42 |
S | 8 | 12 | 38 | 40 | 44 |
M | 10 | 14 | 40 | 42 | 46 |
M | 12 | 16 | 42 | 44 | 48 |
L | 14 | 18 | 44 | 46 | 50 |
L | 16 | 20 | 46 | 48 | 52 |
XL | 18 | 22 | 48 | 50 | 54 |
XL | 20 | 24 | 50 | 52 | 56 |
XXL | 22 | 26 | 52 | 54 | 58 |
XXL | 24 | 28 | 54 | 56 | 60 |
Measuring Your Body
Find our detailed how to measure inseam and how to measure waist size here.
- Waist: Place the tape measure around the narrowest part of your waist, usually around your belly button or a little above it, and measure the waist circumference in inches or centimeters.
- First Hip/Low Waist: Locate the point between your hip and your waist and place the tape measure around it.
- Hips/Second Hip: Following the guide for chest measurement, make sure the tape measure is wrapped around the widest area of your hip. No need to add room for movement if you are trying to buy stretchable jeans with a close or slim fit.
- Chest: Stand straight, with arms relaxed on your side, ask any adult at home to help you wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of your chest area. Allow a little room for movement, maximum of 1 inch. If you are buying a jacket, use this measurement and add a few inches depending on how loose you want the jacket to fit you.
- Height: Measure from your head to toe without any footwear on. You can use a door frame as a measuring point, stand up straight against it and make sure to properly mark the highest point of your head.
- Arm length: Measure your arm length from the shoulder to the hand wrist. Don’t forget to stretch your arm.
That looks easy, doesn’t it? But that’s only the beginning. Women’s sizes are far more diverse than that for men and children. Those whose measurements are not included in a typical standard guide will need to wear apparel that fit better in sections labeled as petite, curvy, and tall, depending on their body type. There are also plus sizes and maternity sizes, and as if that’s not enough, there is also “vanity sizing”, which can really confuse consumers.
Women’s Pants Size Charts
Use our Women’s pants size chart to find your American or European pants size. How do you read this chart? Actually, it’s quite easy: Measure your waist and hips in inch or centimeters. Then choose the according row in the table. In this way, it’s really simple to find your European pant sizes or convert from EU size to US size.
For example: If you have a 32 inch waist, your size is a US-Size M or Euro-Size 42.
Waist (Inch) | Hips (Inch) | US Size / Internat. | Euro Size | Waist (CM) | Hips (CM) |
24 - 25 | 33 - 34 | XXS | 32 | 61 - 63 | 84 - 87 |
25 - 26 | 35 - 36 | XS | 34 | 64 - 66 | 88 - 91 |
27 - 28 | 37 - 38 | S | 36 | 67 - 70 | 92 - 95 |
28 - 29 | 38 - 39 | S | 38 | 71 - 74 | 96 - 98 |
29 - 30 | 39 - 40 | M | 40 | 75 - 78 | 99 - 101 |
31 - 32 | 40 - 41 | M | 42 | 79 - 82 | 102 - 104 |
33 - 34 | 41 - 42 | L | 44 | 83 - 87 | 105 - 108 |
35 - 37 | 43 - 44 | L | 46 | 88 - 93 | 109 - 112 |
38 - 39 | 44 - 45 | XL | 48 | 94 - 99 | 113 - 116 |
40 - 41 | 46 - 48 | XL | 50 | 100 - 106 | 117 - 121 |
42 - 43 | 48 - 50 | XXL | 52 | 107 - 112 | 122 - 126 |
44 - 46 | 50 - 52 | XXL | 54 | 113 - 119 | 127 - 132 |
47 - 49 | 53 - 54 | 3XL | 56 | 120 - 126 | 133 - 138 |
50 - 52 | 55 - 57 | 3XL | 58 | 127 - 133 | 139 - 144 |
53 - 55 | 57 - 59 | 4XL | 60 | 134 - 140 | 145 - 150 |
56 - 58 | 60 - 61 | 4XL | 62 | 141 - 147 | 151 - 156 |
Women’s Pant size Conversion Chart
With our Women’s Pant Size Conversion Chart, you can easily convert your US size into various international pant sizes.
US / Internat. Size | UK Size | Euro Size | French Size | Italian Size |
3XS | 2 | 28 | 30 | 34 |
XXS | 4 | 30 | 32 | 36 |
XS | 6 | 32 | 34 | 38 |
S | 8 | 34 | 36 | 40 |
M | 10 | 36 | 38 | 42 |
L | 12 | 38 | 40 | 44 |
XL | 14 | 40 | 42 | 46 |
XXL | 16 | 42 | 44 | 48 |
3XL | 18 | 44 | 46 | 50 |
4XL | 20 | 46 | 48 | 52 |
5XL | 22 | 48 | 50 | 54 |
6XL | 24 | 50 | 52 | 56 |
7XL | 26 | 52 | 54 | 58 |
8XL | 28 | 54 | 56 | 60 |
How to measure your pants size?
Women’s Jeans Size Chart
If you ask yourself what size is a 30-inch waist in women’s jeans, then use this chart to find out that it corresponds to a US Size 12 or EU 40.
Waist (Inch) | US Jeans Size | Euro | Waist (CM) |
24 | 0 | 32 | 61 |
24.5 | 2 | 32 | 63 |
25.5 | 4 | 34 | 65 |
26.5 | 6 | 34 | 67 |
27.5 | 8 | 36 | 70 |
28.5 | 10 | 38 | 73 |
30.5 | 12 | 40 | 77 |
31.5 | 14 | 42 | 80 |
33 | 16 | 42 | 84 |
34 | 18 | 44 | 86 |
Find out more about women’s jeans sizes and how to measure to find the perfect fit.
Other Apparel Sizes
Women’s Shirt and Sweater Sizes
US / Internat. Size | UK Size | Euro Size | French Size | Italian Size |
XS | 6 | 32 | 34 | 38 |
XS | 8 | 34 | 36 | 40 |
S | 10 | 36 | 38 | 42 |
S | 11 | 37 | 39 | 43 |
M | 12 | 38 | 40 | 44 |
M | 13 | 39 | 41 | 45 |
L | 14 | 40 | 42 | 46 |
L | 15 | 41 | 43 | 47 |
XL | 16 | 42 | 44 | 48 |
XL | 17 | 43 | 45 | 49 |
XXL | 18 | 44 | 46 | 50 |
XXL | 19 | 45 | 47 | 51 |
3XL | 20 | 46 | 48 | 52 |
3XL | 21 | 47 | 49 | 53 |
4XL | 22 | 48 | 50 | 54 |
4XL | 23 | 49 | 51 | 55 |
Women’s Jackets Sizes
Chest width (inch) | Hip width (inch) | US size | European clothing size | Chest width (cm) | Hip width (cm) |
29 - 30 | 33 - 34 | XXS | 32 | 74 - 77 | 84 - 87 |
31 - 32 | 35 - 36 | XS | 34 | 78 - 81 | 88 - 91 |
32 - 33 | 36 - 37 | S | 36 | 82 - 85 | 92 - 95 |
33 - 34 | 37 - 38 | M | 38 | 86 - 89 | 96 - 98 |
34 - 36 | 39 - 40 | L | 40 | 90 - 93 | 99 - 101 |
37 - 38 | 40 - 41 | L | 42 | 94 - 97 | 102 - 104 |
38 - 39 | 41 - 42 | XL | 44 | 98 - 102 | 105 - 108 |
40 - 41 | 43 - 44 | XL | 46 | 103 - 107 | 109 - 112 |
42 - 43 | 45 - 46 | XXL | 48 | 108 - 113 | 113 - 116 |
44 - 46 | 47 - 48 | XXL | 50 | 114 - 119 | 117 - 121 |
47 - 48 | 48 - 49 | 3XL | 52 | 120 - 125 | 122 - 126 |
49 - 50 | 50 - 51 | 3XL | 54 | 126 - 131 | 127 - 132 |
50 - 52 | 52 - 53 | 4XL | 56 | 132 - 137 | 133 - 138 |
53 - 54 | 54 - 55 | 4XL | 58 | 138 - 143 | 139 - 144 |
55 - 57 | 56 - 58 | 5XL | 60 | 144 - 149 | 145 - 150 |
58 - 60 | 59 - 60 | 5XL | 62 | 150 - 155 | 151 - 156 |
This is how you measure to find the perfectly fitting jacket.
Bra Size Chart
Finding the right bra size is another complicated matter for women’s clothing, but thanks to more modern brands, bra sizes today can cover more diverse measurements as for how it should be. To find your body size (the number on a bra size) and cup size (the letter/s on a bra size), follow this guide.
Panties Size Chart
Some brands use different panty sizes, as outlined in the table below.
Waist in Inches | Hips in Inches | US Panty | US Dress | US Alpha |
21-22 | 27-29 | 2 | 0 | XXS |
23-24 | 30-32 | 3 | 0-2 | XS |
25-26 | 33-35 | 4 | 4-6 | S |
27-28 | 36-38 | 5 | 8-10 | M |
29-31 | 39-41 | 6 | 12-14 | L |
32-34 | 42-44 | 7 | 16-18 | XL |
35-37 | 45-47 | 8 | 20-22 | XXL |
38-41 | 48-50 | 9 | 24-26 | 3XL |
42-44 | 51-53 | 10 | 28-30 | 4XL |
45-47 | 54-56 | 11 | 32-34 | 5XL |
Women’s Accessories Sizes
Ring Sizes
Rings are one of the most interesting accessories, a woman can wear. To measure your ring size, use a thread or a dental floss, wrap it around the base of the finger that will wear the ring, mark your measurement with a pen or marker, and put it against a ruler to see how it measures in millimeters(mm), which will be the inside circumference. The inside diameter will be the top to bottom measurement of a ring that already fits you. Use this converter to get your ring size.
Belt Sizes
Find our belt sizing guide here.
Maternity Sizes
Although a woman’s belly increases throughout the pregnancy, maternity sizes go by a woman’s non-pregnant size, with expandable waists and loose tops to make room for the growing size.
XS | Bust in Inches | Under Bust in Inches | Hip in Iches | Thigh |
S | 85 - 90 | 70 - 75 | 90 - 95 | 54 - 57 |
M | 91 - 96 | 76 - 81 | 96 - 101 | 58 - 61 |
L | 97 - 102 | 82 - 87 | 102 - 107 | 62 - 65 |
XL | 103 - 108 | 88 - 93 | 108 - 113 | 66 -69 |
2XL | 109 - 114 | 94 - 99 | 114 - 119 | 70 - 73 |
3XL | 115 - 120 | 100 - 105 | 120 - 125 | 74 - 77 |
What is Vanity Sizing?
Technically referred to as a size inflation, vanity sizes are a common trend in fashion where a size number increases its corresponding measurement, often in an attempt to make buyers feel skinnier than what they would normally be. If anything, this also shows how clothing sizes have changed through the years. To avoid being confused by this trend, keep in mind the following tips, especially if you are buying online:
- Always check the online store’s size guide
- Read product reviews, comments, and ratings
- Make sure to read all product information and details
- Talk to the seller if possible
Are there clothing sizes based on height and weight?
As you would have guessed by now, this would be impossible because of the high diversity of women’s sizes when it comes to dimensions. To put it simply, a specific weight can come in different heights and body types, making it complicated, and even if you manage to match a height and weight, the body measurements can be entirely different from one person to another. If you want to ensure proper fit, always go by your specific body measurements.
Can we really rely on clothing sizes?
Doesn’t that outfit look perfect on the mannequin? But wait, you try it on yourself, and you only get disappointed! Any woman can definitely relate to this shopping experience. Now imagine shopping online, where the challenge in finding that perfect fit is doubled since one can only rely on photos and online information before deciding on a purchase. Another factor to consider is that online shops vary in sizes depending on their location, with many stores even using their own measurements that go beyond the usual “Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large” sizes, which is why consumers must be very careful when it comes to buying clothes.
Those on the extreme sides of the standard measurements will often find themselves questioning possibly every guide available out there. Published sizes can be really confusing, especially if you are looking at a size guide that you are not familiar with, so it will always help to keep your updated sizes handy and compare it against the chart you are looking at. Keep in mind that you should also adjust your body measurements depending on the type of fit you want. While we may all have an idea how clothing sizes are determined, it will still pay to be extra meticulous if you want to reduce or eliminate the chances of having to return that item you purchased online.
Dressing for Your Body Type
- Tall – if you stand 5’8” or above, you are most likely to find a good fit in the “Tall Section” especially if you are buying bottoms like jeans, trousers, and skirts.
- Petite – for heights 5’3” and below, the “Petite Section” is a good place to shop from whether you are buying dresses or tops and bottoms.
- Curvy – the “Curvy Section” ideally caters to women whose waist measurements are at least 7 inches smaller than their chest measurements, and hip measurement that are 10 inches greater than their waistline.
- Plus Size – this term may vary per country, but in general, this refers to those above the sizes 10 and XL, although some brands often use the term “curvy” as well to avoid sounding offensive. Not all brands carry plus sizes, so if you fall on the larger size of the chart, keep an eye on brands that offer plus sizes.
To help you find that perfect fit whether buying online or not, you can refer to the guides below, created for each clothing type, just convert as needed from the standard table above. For dresses, sweaters, and suits, you can use the table above as well.
Tips to find the right clothing size
Tip 1: Measurements
It is best to take the trouble to measure your body measurements with a tape measure. It is decisive: Chest, waist and hips including buttocks. The neck circumference is still interesting for men. Write down your values and put the note in your wallet for your next purchase. Most sellers should be able to do this and advise you accordingly.
Tip 2: Manufacturer tables
When shopping online, it turned out that many manufacturers and brands have their own measurements. The corresponding tables are often offered in the online shops to click on. Use them to make sure! If you are shopping in a store of the same brand, printing this table can be helpful.
Tip 3: Read ratings
Also, often useful: the comments and ratings of other online shoppers on a garment. Many people state in their ratings whether the garment has fitted as expected, or whether they recommend a number smaller or larger to others. You can also often find references to quality and material in the evaluations.
Tip 4: Your figure type
In addition to body dimensions, the figure type is also relevant: Some have narrow shoulders, others have a slender waist and the next one has a wider pelvis. Look out for brands or cuts that cater to your figure type.
Figure types
Figure type H: Upper and lower body are the same width or narrow, barely waist
With this type of figure, you should take care to emphasize your femininity and create unavailable curves visually through clothing. For example, with highly waisted, flared skirts or waist belt. Statement chains and generally jewelry can also help.
Figure type V: Wider shoulders, the body becomes narrower towards the bottom
In the case of sporty shoulders, one should take a back seat and emphasize the slender legs and cuffs. Uni-colored tops with V-neck create a good balance. Trousers and skirts may gladly stand in the focus and show off with colors and patterns.
Figure type X: Shoulders and hips are equally wide, narrow waist
The most feminine of all figure types should skillfully stage his curves. For example, with narrow pencil skirts, high waistbands and waisted tops. However, the clothes should definitely fit well to achieve the wow effect.
Figure type O: The center of the body is slightly wider than the rest
If you are rather roundish and would like to conceal this, it is best to wear long blazers or longer cardigans, combined with slender trousers and skirts. A V-neck is more flattering than a round neck. Basically it should be a bit purer, rather wear darker colors on the stomach and tan trousers. Patterns and colors rather “outside” than jacket or cloth. Even long chains are good for stretching.
Figure type A: Top narrow, wider hips
A clever choice of clothes can make this type of figure look more balanced: The slender upper body and shoulders can be accentuated by eye-catching tops, colors or patterns, shoulder flaps or shawls, while the legs and hips can be set to more subdued colors. Straight trousers and skirt cuts stretch optically.
Pro Tip: For quick conversions, always keep updated measurements as close to your body as possible without any clothes in the way. Keep this information handy by saving it on your phone or securing it inside your wallet.
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